Giving life to stone
since 1975
Who we are?
Starting in 1975, the Company José da Rocha Ferreira de Melo, Lda had in it genesis the Man who gave it its name. His first contact with stone took place in the mid-forties when he started working for others with stone in various projects, he acquired knowledge and saw a business oportunity for his own. And so it was, it began his activity in the fabrication of marble and granite in family molds. In the end of the 70`s the Company grew with the help of his 4 Sons, it has been adpating constantly and continues with the family nature, having as its added value the people who contribute to the development of the Company everyday.
From the Know-how of people with more than 30 years of experience, to the challenges that today´s world presents is, we fabricate various types of stone coverings (natural and composite), bathrooms, kitchens, funerary art, furniture components, all kinf of stone products for interior and exterior.
- Kitchen tops
- Bathrooms
- Furniture
- Funerary Art
- Coverings